Bilder fra SAP ALM Roadshow 2023 hos @Coop Norge

Posted by Eva-Maria Fahrer on 13/09/2023 10:46

The SAP ALM roadshow 13 September was all about SAP's Application Lifecycle Management strategy and roadmap. We got an an in-depth look at the ALM tools SAP Cloud ALM, SAP Focused Run and SAP Solution Manager 7.2.

Coop Norway hosted the day and shared their experience of operating their cloud solution running business critical processes.

Sigurd Skyum, SBN Representative and owner of the Day and Benjamin Schneider, Product Management Expert ALM opening the day

A picture just before start

Discussion started fast ... Sigurd discussing with Benjamin

Benjamin kind enaugh to join in for a group picure

Returning back after first break for SAP Cloud ALM for Operations

Goncalo Vaz Coop Norge shared experience from their use of Cloud ALM.

The last presentation for this awesome and very interactive day, The transition to SAP Cloud ALM with Benjamin


Thank you Coop Norway and Endre Rasmussen organising lunch and premises. Thank you to Goncalo Vaz with short notice taking care of us in Endres absence due to sick kids.

Recording and presentation is or will be found here 


Eva-Maria FahrerPicture and published by Eva-Maria



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