Kommer - Fem workshops og SAP BTP innovasjonsdager

Posted by Eva-Maria Fahrer on 03/02/2022 08:45

The SAP SAP Business Technology platform (BTP) is the technological foundation for all SAP applications and the platform for the intelligent enterprise.

Take the chance to learn more about  SAP BTP:
Join upcomming Workshops and/or Conference.

SAP Conference: SAP Business Technology platform Value Network Innovation
22/02 - 24/02 | Created by Toros Aledjian, SAP Link 

Our SBN Workshops all start with a presentation which is followed by an optional exercise which you can skip and still benefit from the workshop. 

16/3: SAP Extension Suite

5/4: Process Automation part 1
12/4: Process Automation part 2

2/6: SAP Integration Suite part 1
3/6: SAP Integration Suite part 2

Dietmar SteinbichlerLeading the Workshop session is
Dietmar Steinbichler
Enterprise Architect, SAP




Eva-Maria FahrerTake the opportunity to learn more about this SAP BTP solution. The SAP SAP Business Technology platform (BTP) is the technological foundation for all SAP applications and the platform for the intelligent enterpriseand replaces the orchistration solutions.

PS: Our SBN Workshops all start with a presentation which is followed by an optional exercise which you can skip and still benefit from the workshop.

Take the chance and register. If you are registered we will after the Workshop send you the link to the recording.


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