Climate - How your company creates a difference
February 19th, 09:00-10:00
Learn from and discuss with Sustainability experts from SAP and Deloitte.
Deloitte’s Sustainability professionals work with companies to evaluate and develop sustainable strategies that can help drive toward near-term and long-term results. The SAP solution portfolio is in the area of analytical content, best practices and embedded software capabilities across end-to-end processes.
Read more about SAPs Climate 21 on this link
9:00 Welcome, EM Fahrer SBN
Anne Randmæl Jones
Partner, Deloitte Norway
9:05 Building sustainability into strategy
Sustainability is not a quick sprint, but the rewards for sticking with it can be vast. Businesses that view sustainability and resources efficiency as a part of doing business have realized the value that it brings to their corporate objectives related to revenue, brand, operations, risk management, and corporate social responsibility.
Presented by Anne Randmæl Jones, Deloitte
Presentation as a PDF file for download
Trond Røvang,
Solution Architect, Solution Expert, SAP Norway
9:20 Sustainability in the Modern Supply Chain
Trond will in 15 minutes introduce the SAP Logistics Business Network. The new SAP Product Carbon Footprint Analytics to simplify Legal Requirements and Reporting. Move from focusing on reduction of Waste, Cost and Taxes to a Sustainable Sourcing where the company can create the transparancy and trust which let's the customer influence and choose.
Presented by Trond Røvang, SAP
Presentation as a PDF file for download
Astrid Thommesen Sæbø
CFO, SAP Norge
9:35 Carbon Accounting in SAP, Status and Roadmap
Astrid will during 10 minutes share experience from the tools she uses in her daily work as Financial Manager in SAP. Astrid is fascinated the possibilities she sees for SAP and their customers to reduce the environmental impact by using an IT system supporting this intend. She will therefore also share her knowledge in the area of SAPs tools and the initiative SAP has started called Climate 21. Interesting and important development is on the way for tools for Carbon Accounting for companies using SAP.
Presented by Astrid Thommesen Sæbø, CFO, SAP Norge
9:45 Interaction:
Use this interactivity-link
Enter this number: 64 16 16 6. Or, scan the QR code:
The following topics will be "discussed":
- What do you and your company do today in the area of sustainability?
- What are the biggest barriers?
- What can I and my company do in the future to reduce the climate impact?
- Are there tools which can be used?
If you like -> Write your thoughts here (click on this link). Use the link during the meeting, if you have ideas ... (Opens in a new window)
9:55-10:00 The way forward.
You will get an e-mail survey 9:55, its also possible to use the survey for sharing ideas and comments.
🍃 If you like to make sure you get all information SBN provides related to sustainability and how your company can create a difference in the area of Climate based on tools from SAP. Please register here for the Climate team here.
Tags: cx, retail, deloitte, finance, analytics, hr, remuneration, it, hana, projects, sap, sap knowledge, supply chain
Number of participants: 51
Ann Kristin AannerudSAP Norge
Anne Randmæl JonesDeloitte
Bente SyversenInnovasjon Norge Trøndelag
Bernt BakkenSBN-Adfahrer
Catharina MowinckelStortinget
Catherine AdamsSopra Steria
Christin AlgrøyAzets
Daniel BratterudDaniel Bratterud
Didrik ArstadSBN-Adfahrer
Elling EngerEuroMerger Norway
Erik AndresenDeloitte
Espen Bagge-LütkenBearingPoint
Eva DragesetSANDS
Eva-Maria FahrerSBN-Adfahrer
Evita NedzveckaLIAA
Fredrik Marius WoldRiksrevisjonen
Håkon WibstadHå Kon AS
Jørgen Ervikitelligence
Jose Antonio Garcia VileraEquinor
Karina BjørnarøyIBM
kathrine lindholmMinoko design AS
Kjell Rune MonsøApps Consulting AS
Lars SandtorvEcofric AS
Lill Klevenn/a
Linda EikelenboomArborealis
Lisa BrekkeDeloitte AS
Madeleine NordlundOslo kommune
Marianne RyanFrydenbø AS
Martin BrownswordSBN-Adfahrer
May Kirsti EngerDNV GL
Melanie MooreWilhelmsen
Merete SaugestadAtkins Norge AS
Morten SchjelderupApps Consulting AS
Nina DueOslo university hospital
Øllegård Johanne StyrvoldRiksrevisjonen
Paolina DíazPrivate
Pavlina KristoffersenNBIM
Randulf BakkenAzets Insight AS
Roger StorheimKuehne+Nagel
Roger HansenECOHZ
Roland zum BuschBouvet
saskia foN/A
Siri Johanne KrafftPareto Securities AS
Stine HoltheBulk Infrastructure
Susanne ÅbergBouvet
Sveinung TotlandApps consulting
Svetlana LyngstadGreentech Innovators
Synnøve Ullern07 Media
Tor-Arne JensenConocophillips
Turid Mette NilsenRiksrevisjonen
Veronika GulsettDeloitte