SBN Value creation with SAP S/4HANA Day
April 18th, 09:00-15:30.
The move to S/4HANA represents lots of opportunities but also risks and challenges.
SAP S/4HANA as the digital core of the intelligent enterprise is much more than a classic ERP System. To treat the move to S4 as a technical upgrade project, runs the risk of missing out on the opportunity to reap the real benefits from the new platform.
On the SBN SAP S/4HANA Day last June the term "The Perfect Storm of Intertia" was used to describe what was and probably is still the case for many companies using SAP, after the technical upgrade was done and with no transformational break throughs per se and no plans or roadmaps involving the business to improve or change, it becomes a very real possibility that the so called Phase 2 will never actually happen.
And phase 2 is the the main topic of this event, meaning how, why and what to do to create value with your move to SAP S/4HANA.
These are some of the questions that you will find answers to:
- Cleaning the core - what does that actually mean?
- How to apply tools to reduce your technical debt?
- How do you need to change your thinking from the legacy ECC to SAP S/4HANA to consume its innovations and modern process design?
- How to use Fiori to increase user productivity and new ways of working?
- How can you include new users to consume analytics and reporting?
- How to open your eyes to possible business innovations by the use of BTP, mobile apps, user Interfaces and automations in the forefront of technology?
- How can I benefit from both SAP S/4HANA and BTP, a combination that opens up lots of possibilities.
- If you apply the process patterns from the past, you treat SAP S/4HANA like SAP R/3 and we know that process design in the 1990s and 2000s was limited by resources and functionality. So how can you benefit from a library of best practices and maybe even standard business processes to avoid inefficiencies, workarounds and aged processes.
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Pictures from the day on this link
F2F Location:
Contact EM if you have suggestions for the agenda, questions or comments.
Eva-Maria Fahrer
SBN - SAP Brukerforening i Norge
+46 70 569 78 08
Didrik Arstad
SBN - SAP Brukerforening i Norge
+47 905 62 921
Tags: cx, retail, deloitte, finance, analytics, hr, remuneration, it, hana, projects, lighthouse, pearl, s5 consulting, sap knowledge, sbn - event, supply chain
Web session open - We look forward to seeing you !
How to Create Value with Your Move to SAP S/4HANA
SAP S/4HANA as the digital core of the intelligent enterprise is much more than a classic ERP system.
This session explains how to create real value with your move to SAP S/4HANA by consuming genuine SAP S/4HANA innovations in your WRICEFs (workflows, reports, interfaces, conversions, enhancements, and forms) and by tuning your business processes with modern process design. Once live with SAP S/4HANA, you will understand what needs to be done to keep your system well maintained.
Rudolf Hois
Vice President at SAP SE
Experience from Value Creation based on S/4HANA implementations.
Cleaning the core. What does that actually mean for an upgraded installation?
Practical experiences of typical issues faced when removing user-exit coding, changing business processes and moving towards Best Practice
Dragging your business into the cloud – tools to reduce technical debt by utilizing cloud services and other innovations in S/4
What tools are at your disposal? What can you do to move more functionality into the cloud?
This session explains how to create real value with your move to SAP S/4HANA by consuming genuine SAP S/4HANA innovations in your WRICEFs (workflows, reports, interfaces, conversions, enhancements, and forms) and by tuning your business processes with modern process design. Once live with SAP S/4HANA, you will understand what needs to be done to keep your system well maintained.
Break - Visit Signavio
Innovating around the Edge, using new technologies to transform user journeys using the SAP core
We will run through ideas about how we can use latest technologies to change user experiences by adding in machine learning, artificial intelligence, computer vision and the Metaverse to bring new perspectives to what can be possible and how the SAP core elevated these experiences and sets these apart.
This session explains how to create real value with your move to SAP S/4HANA by consuming genuine SAP S/4HANA innovations in your WRICEFs (workflows, reports, interfaces, conversions, enhancements, and forms) and by tuning your business processes with modern process design. Once live with SAP S/4HANA, you will understand what needs to be done to keep your system well maintained.
[The PDF slides are found on this link if available]
Nettworking Lunch - Discuss the value drivers
Hvordan utnytte verdien av SAP S/4 HANA ved bruk av standard Fiori verktøy og BTP til å utvikle og utvide applikasjoner
En ting er å implementere SAP S/4 HANA, en annen ting er å faktisk benytte seg av verdien det tilbyr. Vår erfaring er at mange som oppgraderer til S/4 HANA ikke endrer måten de arbeider på. I denne presentasjonen skal vi snakke om reisen fra GUI til Fiori, og innovasjon med Fiori og BTP.
Vi skal også demonstrere noen eksempler på skreddersydde applikasjoner og rapporter innen finans som har gjort arbeidet til kunden enklere og mer effektiv.
This session explains how to create real value with your move to SAP S/4HANA by consuming genuine SAP S/4HANA innovations in your WRICEFs (workflows, reports, interfaces, conversions, enhancements, and forms) and by tuning your business processes with modern process design. Once live with SAP S/4HANA, you will understand what needs to be done to keep your system well maintained.
Rask gevinstrealisering av moderne brukeropplevelser, beslutningsstøtte og ansatteffektivitet ved kombinasjonen av SAP S/4HANA og SAP BTP.
Fullgod tilgang til SAP som kildesystem via Fiori er mye mer "plug and play" hvis du samtidig er på SAP/4HANA og BTP. Denne kombinasjonen åpner fantastiske muligheter raskt og rimelig for å tilrettelegge for nye brukeropplevelser og ikke minst gjøre den enkelte mer effektiv i egen jobb. Koblingen realtidsdata og et moderne brukergrensesnitt gir brukerne bedre støtte for viktige operative beslutninger. I tillegg vil automatisering kunne fjerne manuelle arbeidsoppgaver og åpne for mer «self service».
Stikkord her er portaler (WorkZone), Arbeidsflyt og automatisering, integrasjon mot andre systemer og datakilder. Mobile løsninger via SAP Mobile Start eller SAP Build Work Zone.
This session explains how to create real value with your move to SAP S/4HANA by consuming genuine SAP S/4HANA innovations in your WRICEFs (workflows, reports, interfaces, conversions, enhancements, and forms) and by tuning your business processes with modern process design. Once live with SAP S/4HANA, you will understand what needs to be done to keep your system well maintained.
[The PDF slides are found on this link if available]
Sveinung Gehrken
CEO & Founder at S5 Consulting, and [Expert BTP Developer] at S5 Consulting
Nettworking Break
Using SAP Signavio to drive continuous improvement
SAP S/4HANA offers organizations many opportunities to improve and enhance processes, work in a better and more efficient way. By using SAP Signavio end-to-end processes can be understood and knowledge can be shared within the organization. Process performance can be measured which will help to find improvements that will drive the overall value of the S4HANA implementation and drive continuous business process improvement.
This session explains how to create real value with your move to SAP S/4HANA by consuming genuine SAP S/4HANA innovations in your WRICEFs (workflows, reports, interfaces, conversions, enhancements, and forms) and by tuning your business processes with modern process design. Once live with SAP S/4HANA, you will understand what needs to be done to keep your system well maintained.
Komal Mathur
EMEA North Black Belt, Business Process Intelligence at SAP SE
Survey closed
Number of participants: 93
Erik ElgaaenNorgesGruppen ASA
Telmo PereiraSopra Steria
Andreas BaugeLighthouse
Bente EisoldABB AS
Nikolai PrietzSopra Steria
Thomas ThykjaerElkjøp Nordic
Marit GrovenElkjøp Nordic
Jon-Arne HansenVår Energi
Eva-Maria FahrerSBN-Adfahrer
David MillnerSAP Signavio
Didrik ArstadSBN-Adfahrer
Anna YatsevychCapgemini
Guro Ravnestad LøklingVår Energi
Astrid FossgårdVår Energi
Jeanette BecsánMills
Simen Larsen-FrivollLighthouse
Fredric SandellWesternacher
Linn Marie Tønnesen HansenLighthouse
Jason RoweDeloitte
Komal MathurSAP
Sveinung GehrkenS5 Consulting
Solveig Kvassheim SannesLighthouse
Powell WillDeloitte
Amanda RobertsPearl
Joakim LövesSBN-Adfahrer
Ole ØksenholtSopra Steria
Erik AndresenDeloitte
Ole Erik ThornquistBorregaard AS
Trond BådstangenBorregaard AS
Lucyna JostNorsk Medisinaldepot AS
Anne-Britt LinnåsTechnipFMC
Kristoffer StrandSopra Steria
Thoralf AndreassenVår Energi
Asbjørn AndersenCoop Norge SA
Kristine WethalPearl
Ole-Bjørn MarthinsenABB AS
Eivind BøeHelse Vest
Tolv TvinnereimCapgemini
Terje SkjesolNorske Skog ASA
Tine Gjøse VermedalEquinor
Helge TorsøyAkerBP
Morten NordsethPearl
Elin SternerPearl
Daniel Boer JohannessenHemit HF
Maris SaukaPearl
Trond JansenAibel AS
Karl Olav GravdalAker Solutions ASA
Inge André TonningForsvaret
Jeanette BecsánMills
Britt Randi FjelltunPearl
John BrownVår Energi
Einar ChristophersenCapgemini
Jon Arne BirkedalConocoPhillips Norge
Bjarne BreinbjergAlumeco A/S
May-Britt HestvikForsvaret
Dorota WanatPearl
Finn Helge BjøruHemit HF
Anita LangseterBouvet
Jan BranaesAkselera AS
Ragnar ØvreBrynild Gruppen AS
Jørgen AasenHemit HF
Sonja Opofte-SyverstenVår Energi
Bernt OlsenAkerBP
Egil Magne HansenGassco
Egil NølandVår Energi
Christian MongEquinor
Mette EnoksenEquinor
Tilde BrunnbergEquinor
May Britt HolstadEquinor
Laurent SauretForsvaret
Per-Åge ThemtePearl
Geir SundeBouvet
Kari-Bente NordheimABB AS
Terje KristiansenVår Energi
Helga BøeDirektoratet for forvaltning og økonomistyring
Inger MyrenNorske Skog ASA
Robert SipinaBouvet
Aneta Gabara-ForsströmAlumeco A/S
Anne TryggesetEquinor
Per Arne SteinslandMills
Aitor Arruti-AizpuruaYara Norge AS
Brit SmedsrudHarbour Energy Norge AS
Caroline HaukåsPearl
Rehan YousafElkjøp Nordic
Unni Tove Tollefsen DavidsenForsvaret
Inger FossoAkselera
Ingeborg LootzAkselera
Zoran MilijicCoop Norge SA
Hans KollsgårdVår Energi
Hans KollsgårdVår Energi
Svein KoldenBasis Consulting
Azim FiazWintershall DEA Norge AS