SBN Conference Speakers 2021

Didrik Arstad

Head of Finance, Analytics and Head of HR at SBN-Adfahrer

Didrik Arstad LinkedIn

Oct 20 09:00-9:10

⚖️  Welcome!

Oct 19 14:35-15:10

🇳🇴 🌱 ⚖️ Different voices - Norsk Hydro, Statkraft, SAP and SBN will share experience on Business Process Management (BPM)

Kolbjørn Havnes

Head of Department at Norsk Hydro AS

Main focus is Business Solution support related to achieving efficient administrative processes supported by IT solutions based upon the SAP product portfolio. ECC 6.0 and S4 HANA and BO.


Kolbjørn Havnes LinkedIn

Oct 19 09:00-9:10

🇬🇧 🌱 Warm Welcome!
From our moderator and the SBN team. 

Eva-Maria Fahrer

CEO Adfahrer and SBN at SBN-Adfahrer

Worked with and around SAP since a SAP implementation in Mobil Oil in 1989.

Eva-Maria Fahrer LinkedIn

Oct 19 09:00-9:10

🇬🇧 🌱 Warm Welcome!
From our moderator and the SBN team. 

Oct 19 09:50-10:25

🇬🇧🌱  Different voices -  "How to run more Sustainable and Greener".

Jon Ensor

Moderator, Entertainer, TEDx speaker and Coach at @jonensormagician

Jon Ensor LinkedIn

Oct 19 09:00-9:10

🇬🇧 🌱 Warm Welcome!
From our moderator and the SBN team. 

Jason Rowe

Partner at Deloitte

Jason Rowe LinkedIn

Oct 21 09:00-9:10

⚙️ Welcome!

Martin Brownsword

Key Account at SBN-Adfahrer

Oct 21 09:00-9:10

⚙️ Welcome!

Oct 27 09:00-9:10

🛒 Welcome!

Oct 19 13:10-13:45

🇬🇧 🌱 ⚙️ Different voices - The future SAP in an ever changing world

Bernt Bakken

Head of HXM and Logistics at SBN-Adfahrer

Bernt Bakken LinkedIn

Oct 26 09:00-9:10

👨‍💼🧑‍💼 Welcome!

Oct 28 09:00-9:10

📦  Welcome!

Oct 19 11:15-11:50

🇬🇧 🌱👨‍💼🧑‍💼Different voices - Sariba and SBN contribute to the topic how HR drives change throughout the business.

Inger Marie Solbrekke

Head of Business Intelligence Corporate at Statkraft AS

Financial Analytics Support Team Leader in Joint Venture Accounting

Inger Marie Solbrekke LinkedIn

Oct 20 09:50-10:25

🇬🇧⚖️ Adoption of SAC in Statkraft, going from piloting in 2018 to standardized storytelling utilizing BW/4HANA as core system. 

Roy Eidset

VP Digital Finance at Statkraft AS

Roy Eidset LinkedIn

Oct 20 09:50-10:25

🇬🇧⚖️ Adoption of SAC in Statkraft, going from piloting in 2018 to standardized storytelling utilizing BW/4HANA as core system. 

Erik Sandsbraaten

Managing Director - Strategy & Consulting, CFO & Enterprise Value Lead Norway at Accenture

Erik Sandsbraaten LinkedIn

Oct 20 09:10-09:45

Fra fellestjenester til intelligente tjenester

Günther Rothermel

SVP, Head of S/4HANA Sustainability at SAP SE

Günther Rothermel LinkedIn

Oct 19 09:10-09:45

🇬🇧🌱 The World can Run Greener with solutions from SAP.  

Stephen Jamieson

Global Head of Circular Economy Solutions at SAP SE

Stephen Jamieson LinkedIn

Oct 19 09:10-09:45

🇬🇧🌱 The World can Run Greener with solutions from SAP.  

Stefan Hierl

Product Owner S/4 Climate21 at SAP SE

Stefan Hierl LinkedIn

Oct 19 09:10-09:45

🇬🇧🌱 The World can Run Greener with solutions from SAP.  

Stina Adolfson

Manager at Deloitte

Stina Adolfson LinkedIn

Oct 21 09:10-09:45

🇬🇧⚙️ Find the right way to your S/4HANA transformation journey

Christoffer Ahl

Senior Consultant at Deloitte

Christoffer Ahl LinkedIn

Oct 21 09:10-09:45

🇬🇧⚙️ Find the right way to your S/4HANA transformation journey

Christian Olsen

Senior Manager at Sariba Consulting AS

Christian Olsen LinkedIn

Oct 26 09:10-09:45

Cegal will tell the story about their journey - shifting focus from transactional to strategic HR.

Endre Krogh Hegre

Lead Project Manager at Independent

Endre Krogh Hegre LinkedIn

Oct 26 09:10-09:45

Cegal will tell the story about their journey - shifting focus from transactional to strategic HR.

John Christian Hveding

Gruppeleder SAP Arkitektur og Plattform at NorgesGruppen Data AS

John Christian Hveding LinkedIn

Oct 27 09:10-09:45

🇳🇴 🛒 ⚙️ NorgesGruppen, våre tanker om arkitektur og fremtiden. 

Oct 19 13:10-13:45

🇬🇧 🌱 ⚙️ Different voices - The future SAP in an ever changing world

Andrea Ricciarelli

Strategic Customer Advisor - Digital Supply Chain, SAP EMEA North at SAP SE

Andrea Ricciarelli LinkedIn

Oct 28 09:10-09:45

🇬🇧📦 🌱 ⚙️ ⚖️ 🛒 
The Network Effect – Creating a Unified, Collaborative, and intelligent Logistics Business Network

Stefano Holguin

Country General Manager SAP Norway at SAP

IT industry from more than 20 years, starting as a developer, then as a technical manager, business developer, sales and marketing resource. I have a passion for applying technology to solve real business challenges.

Stefano Holguin LinkedIn

Oct 19 09:50-10:25

🇬🇧🌱  Different voices -  "How to run more Sustainable and Greener".

Oct 19 14:35-15:10

🇳🇴 🌱 ⚖️ Different voices - Norsk Hydro, Statkraft, SAP and SBN will share experience on Business Process Management (BPM)

Carsten Brøns Andersen

Digital Sustainability Lead at Independent

Carsten Brøns Andersen LinkedIn

Oct 19 09:50-10:25

🇬🇧🌱  Different voices -  "How to run more Sustainable and Greener".

Lene Reiersen Mossberg

Project Manager at SAS Scandinavian Airlines System

Lene Reiersen Mossberg LinkedIn

Oct 26 11:15-11:50

🇳🇴 👨‍💼🧑‍💼Migrering til SuccessFactors Employee Central Payroll af norsk løn - projektet hos SAS

Karin Ejstrup

Business Unit Director at EPI-USE Labs

Karin Ejstrup LinkedIn

Oct 26 11:15-11:50

🇳🇴 👨‍💼🧑‍💼Migrering til SuccessFactors Employee Central Payroll af norsk løn - projektet hos SAS

Jonathan Beardsley

Director, Ecosystems Strategy, Enterprise Applications - SAP at OpenText

Jonathan Beardsley LinkedIn

Oct 21 11:15-11:50

🇬🇧 ⚙️ RISE WITH SAP - A partner perspective

Kevin Govender

ERP Leader, Enterprise Technology & Performance, CIO Programme Leader for Deloitte Africa at Deloitte

Deloitte Consulting Africa
Deloitte, 5 Magwa Crescent, Waterfall City, Waterfall, 2090
D: | M:

Kevin Govender LinkedIn

Oct 21 09:50-10:25

🇬🇧⚙️ The Kinetic Enterprise - Reimagine everything in pursuit of the Kinetic Enterprise


Anne Holme

Agency Director, SAP at Sopra Steria

Anne Holme LinkedIn

Oct 21 12:30-13:05

🇬🇧 ⚙️ S/4 HANA Cloud Essentials, the bedrock of digitalisation and innovation 

Catherine Adams

Delivery Executive, Norwich SAP CoE at Capgemini

Catherine Adams LinkedIn

Oct 21 12:30-13:05

🇬🇧 ⚙️ S/4 HANA Cloud Essentials, the bedrock of digitalisation and innovation 

Verna Tomkinson

Senior Strategic Ecosystems Manager at OpenText

Verna Tomkinson LinkedIn

Oct 26 09:50-10:25

🇬🇧👨‍💼🧑‍💼 ⚙️The SAP SuccessFactors Customer OpenText shares experience from their own business case development and implementation.

Bernhard Rikardsen

Chairman, Owner and Management Consultant at Sariba Consulting AS

Bernhard Rikardsen LinkedIn

Oct 19 10:35-11:10

🇬🇧 🌱👨‍💼🧑‍💼 How HR drives change throughout the business


Oct 19 11:15-11:50

🇬🇧 🌱👨‍💼🧑‍💼Different voices - Sariba and SBN contribute to the topic how HR drives change throughout the business.

Marita Johansen

Head of Consulting Project at Sariba

Marita er Konsulentsjef/Sjefskonsulent og kjent for sin erfaring innen SAP HR og spesielt innen Time Management, men hun har også arbeidet med prosessforbedringer innen HR og redesign av løsninger. Hun har 13 års erfaring med SAP og har opparbeidet seg en solid kompetanse innen SAP HR og spesielt Time Management gjennom sitt arbeid med ulike bransjer og løsninger. Marita har lang erfaring med design og implementering av nye løsninger, men også vedlikehold av systemer og forbedringsprosjekter innen området. Hun har også hatt roller som løsningsansvarlig i ulike typer prosjekter og kjenner godt til helheten og sammenhengene i systemet. Spør Marita om integrasjoner i SAP, helhetlige løsninger og om SAP Time Management. (2014)

Marita Johansen LinkedIn

Oct 19 11:15-11:50

🇬🇧 🌱👨‍💼🧑‍💼Different voices - Sariba and SBN contribute to the topic how HR drives change throughout the business.

Ole Reidar Hole

Accenture Leadership at Accenture


Oct 19 12:30-13:05

🇬🇧 🌱⚙️ Orkla’s S/4HANA journey – project execution in shifting environment.

Reidun Høllesli

Associate Partner at EY Skye

Reidun Høllesli LinkedIn

Oct 19 12:30-13:05

🇬🇧 🌱⚙️ Orkla’s S/4HANA journey – project execution in shifting environment.

Oct 19 13:10-13:45

🇬🇧 🌱 ⚙️ Different voices - The future SAP in an ever changing world

Christer Uthus

Leder SAP Business Group at Accenture

Christer Uthus LinkedIn

Oct 21 10:35-11:10

🇳🇴 ⚙️ Remote UAT-testing i SAP S/4 HANA under en pandemi - En lessons learned fra Orkla og Accenture

Peter Behrendorff Madsen

Senior Test Manager at Orkla IT AS

Peter Behrendorff Madsen LinkedIn

Oct 21 10:35-11:10

🇳🇴 ⚙️ Remote UAT-testing i SAP S/4 HANA under en pandemi - En lessons learned fra Orkla og Accenture

René Cedat

BPI - Strategic Topic Lead who will cover Process Insights at SAP SE

Conversion to S/4HANA - Good at solving the "Custom code problem"

Oct 21 13:10-13:45

🇬🇧 ⚙️From Process Insights to Process Improvement

Dietmar Steinbichler

Enterprise Architect - Nordic Sustainability Focus Team at SAP Svenska AB

Dietmar Steinbichler LinkedIn

Oct 21 13:10-13:45

🇬🇧 ⚙️From Process Insights to Process Improvement

Jonathan Cooper

Senior Sales Engineer at Onapsis

Jonathan Cooper LinkedIn

Oct 21 13:55-14:30

🇬🇧 ⚙️ Mitigate the Risk of Ransomware with Business-Critical Applications

Allen Cutting

Senior Solutions Architect at Security Weaver

Allen Cutting LinkedIn

Oct 21 14:35-15:10

🇬🇧 ⚙️ When should you fix your SAP S/4HANA Security Risks?

Andy Hartley

SAP Certified Security Architect at Security Weaver

Andy Hartley LinkedIn

Oct 21 14:35-15:10

🇬🇧 ⚙️ When should you fix your SAP S/4HANA Security Risks?

Karl Olav Gravdal

at Kværner ASA

Karl Olav Gravdal LinkedIn

Oct 20 13:10-13:45

🇬🇧 ⚖️ ⚙️ 📦 How Aker Solutions use Winshuttle to accelerate and improve masterdata changes,especially during migrations, mergers and carve outs

Björn Alexanderson

Territory Manager at Precisely Software

Björn Alexanderson LinkedIn

Oct 20 13:10-13:45

🇬🇧 ⚖️ ⚙️ 📦 How Aker Solutions use Winshuttle to accelerate and improve masterdata changes,especially during migrations, mergers and carve outs

Steinar Sabbasen

Director Sales at Sariba


Steinar Sabbasen LinkedIn

Oct 20 11:15-11:50

🇳🇴 ⚖️ 👨‍💼🧑‍💼 Hvorfor SuccessFactor’s People Analytics er et "must" for CFO og Toppledelsen.

Bo Bærentsen

Business Manager Nordic at xSuite

Bo Bærentsen LinkedIn

Oct 20 12:30-13:05

🇬🇧 ⚖️ 🌱 To sustain internal work processes - the energy company Ørsted has automated all business critical processes.

David Hedlund

Sales Manager at xSuite

David Hedlund LinkedIn

Oct 20 12:30-13:05

🇬🇧 ⚖️ 🌱 To sustain internal work processes - the energy company Ørsted has automated all business critical processes.

Heidi Engelbrecht

Senior Process Specialist & Product Owner in Financial Services Automation & Maturation at Ørsted

Heidi Engelbrecht LinkedIn

Oct 20 12:30-13:05

🇬🇧 ⚖️ 🌱 To sustain internal work processes - the energy company Ørsted has automated all business critical processes.

Unni Sedberg

Leading Analyst F&C Business Architecture at Equinor

Unni Sedberg LinkedIn

Oct 20 13:55-14:30

🇳🇴 ⚖️ How Equinor improved and automated their processes with BlackLine

James Morgan

Account Director – Norway & Finland at BLACKLINE

James Morgan LinkedIn

Oct 20 13:55-14:30

🇳🇴 ⚖️ How Equinor improved and automated their processes with BlackLine

Mirko Link

Product Management for SAP Data Warehouse Cloud at SAP AG. at SAP SE

Mirko Link LinkedIn

Oct 20 10:35-11:10

🇬🇧 ⚖️ What you as a CFO, controller or Business Manager needs to understand to reap the benefits of Sap Analytics Cloud and Sap Data Warehouse Cloud as part of a data driven strategy.


Russel Sadd

Practice Lead Business Planning & Analytics, Solutions Architect for Financial & Retail Planning at Westernacher

Russel Sadd LinkedIn

Oct 20 14:35-15:10

🇬🇧 ⚖️ 🌱 How can SAC and Westernacher help you Throttle your CO2 Emissions and Become Carbon Neutral?

Mark Mrosek

Practice Director Business Planning & Analytics, Senior Project Manager at Westernacher

Mark Mrosek LinkedIn

Oct 20 14:35-15:10

🇬🇧 ⚖️ 🌱 How can SAC and Westernacher help you Throttle your CO2 Emissions and Become Carbon Neutral?

Oliver Blau

Managing Director at Westernacher

Oliver Blau LinkedIn

Oct 20 14:35-15:10

🇬🇧 ⚖️ 🌱 How can SAC and Westernacher help you Throttle your CO2 Emissions and Become Carbon Neutral?

anonymous-d199cb70df270903eef461b212710e8a anonymous-d199cb70df270903eef461b212710e8a

at NTT DATA Business Solutions

Oct 26 10:35-11:10

🇬🇧👨‍💼🧑‍💼 🌱Sustainability, technology and talent pool

Henrik Trolle

Country Manager at ProMark

Oct 26 13:10-13:45

🇬🇧 👨‍💼🧑‍💼 ⚖️ Lessons learned: Experiences from the SAP SuccessFactors/EC Payroll implementation project at Smyths Toys

Aoife Conway

IT Delivery Manager at Smyths Toys

Aoife Conway LinkedIn

Oct 26 13:10-13:45

🇬🇧 👨‍💼🧑‍💼 ⚖️ Lessons learned: Experiences from the SAP SuccessFactors/EC Payroll implementation project at Smyths Toys

Wim Valstar

GTM COE RISE with SAP for HXM at SAP SuccessFactors at SAP SE

Wim Valstar LinkedIn

Oct 26 13:55-14:30

🇬🇧 👨‍💼🧑‍💼 ⚙️
RISE with SAP for HXM

Julia Olderskog

Leder HR-programmet at Direktoratet for forvaltning og økonomistyring

Julia Olderskog LinkedIn

Oct 26 14:35-15:10

🇳🇴 👨‍💼🧑‍💼 Nyheter fra DFØs arbeid med felles HR-system for staten

Liv Brevik

Head of Global Processes Design and Improvement at Norsk Hydro AS


Oct 19 14:35-15:10

🇳🇴 🌱 ⚖️ Different voices - Norsk Hydro, Statkraft, SAP and SBN will share experience on Business Process Management (BPM)

Terje Wold

Senior Advisor at Statkraft AS

Terje Wold LinkedIn

Oct 19 14:35-15:10

🇳🇴 🌱 ⚖️ Different voices - Norsk Hydro, Statkraft, SAP and SBN will share experience on Business Process Management (BPM)

Kjetil Kverne

Head of Nordic Presales at SAP

Kjetil Kverne LinkedIn

Oct 19 13:10-13:45

🇬🇧 🌱 ⚙️ Different voices - The future SAP in an ever changing world

Alessandro Manzi

Vice President Product - Process Intelligence at SAP SE

Alessandro Manzi LinkedIn

Oct 19 13:55-14:30

🇬🇧🌱⚖️ Process Intelligence with Signavio.

Philipp Krueger

Helping KPS Customer to rethink the digital customer interaction. at KPS

Philipp Krueger LinkedIn

Oct 27 11:15-11:50

🛒 Return to sender – Intelligent return handling in the experience economy

Jochai von Baumgarten

Product Manager at Laerdal Medical

Jochai von Baumgarten LinkedIn

Oct 27 10:35-11:10

🇬🇧 🛒 ⚙️ Laerdal Medical has developed a unique, identity infrastructure, which places the customer in the driving seat for user experience, personal preferences and privacy.

Michael Hildebrand

Product Owner Intelligent Store at SAP SE

Michael Hildebrand LinkedIn

Oct 27 14:35-15:10

🇬🇧 🛒 The SAP vision for the store of the future

Dr. Alexander Bender

Director, Supply Chain Strategy & Execution at Westernacher

Dr. Bender has been innovating supply chains for almost 20 years. Working with customers in North America, Europe, and Asia, he has addressed all parts of the supply chain, from S&OP to strategic sourcing, from supply chain resiliency to transportation optimization, and much more. Dr. Bender has predominantly worked with retail and consumer goods companies with additional industry experience in Pharmaceutical, Electronics, and High-Tech. Before joining Westernacher, he worked for many years at PRTM Management consultants.

Dr. Alexander Bender LinkedIn

Oct 27 13:10-13:45

🇬🇧 🛒 ⚙️ 📦
H&M Achieving the Next Level of Customer Experience through Innovations in EWM Solutions and Deployments

Anders Geijer

Product Area Manager at H&M Hennes & Mauritz AB

Anders Geijer LinkedIn

Oct 27 13:10-13:45

🇬🇧 🛒 ⚙️ 📦
H&M Achieving the Next Level of Customer Experience through Innovations in EWM Solutions and Deployments

Barnaby Moffat

Commercial Director at KPS

Oct 27 09:50-10:25

🇬🇧 🛒 Enabling the connected customer journey

Dani Khalaf

Vice President Industry Business Unit Retail at SAP SE

Dani Khalaf LinkedIn

Oct 27 12:30-13:05

🇬🇧 🛒 RISE with SAP Retail - the Intelligent Enterprise (1)

Oct 27 13:55-14:30

🇬🇧 🛒 RISE with SAP Retail - the Intelligent Enterprise (2)

Nico Wottke

Senior Product Manager | SAP S/4HANA Sustainability | Climate 21 at SAP SE

Nico Wottke LinkedIn

Oct 28 09:50-10:25

🇬🇧📦 🌱 ⚖️ Introducing SAP Product Footprint Management

Nina Bakulina

Manager at Accenture

Nina Bakulina LinkedIn

Oct 28 10:35-11:10

🇬🇧 📦 ⚖️ ⚙️
Ariba Implementation at Norwegian Air Shuttle

Dace Lubane

VP Business Centre and Operational Procurement at Norwegian Air Shuttle ASA

Dace Lubane LinkedIn

Oct 28 10:35-11:10

🇬🇧 📦 ⚖️ ⚙️
Ariba Implementation at Norwegian Air Shuttle

Klara Vavreckova

Senior Consultant at Deloitte

Oct 28 10:35-11:10

🇬🇧 📦 ⚖️ ⚙️
Ariba Implementation at Norwegian Air Shuttle

Peter Christian Graae

Head of supply chain service and process excellence at Novozymes A/S

Peter Christian Graae LinkedIn

Oct 28 12:30-13:05

🇬🇧 📦 ⚖️ Global supply chain transformation by implementing Demand Driven MRP at Novozymes

Stefan Glar-Hammarsund

Partner at Deloitte

Stefan Glar-Hammarsund LinkedIn

Oct 28 12:30-13:05

🇬🇧 📦 ⚖️ Global supply chain transformation by implementing Demand Driven MRP at Novozymes

Petter Larsson

SAP EWM Consultant at Pearl

Oct 28 13:10-13:45

🇳🇴 📦 🛒 Flexible warehouse process design in SAP Extended Warehouse Management

Lars Fossum

Director, Global Center of Excellence, SAP Supply Chain Management at SAP

Begynt SAP-Norge 1. mars.

Lars Fossum LinkedIn

Oct 28 13:55-14:30

🇬🇧 📦 Connecting Engineering to the Enterprise with PLM

Rikke Larsen Albinsson

ERP Project Manager at reMarkable

Rikke Larsen Albinsson LinkedIn

Oct 28 11:15-11:50

🇳🇴 📦 Digitalisering av vedlikeholdsprosessen hos Norsk Gjenvinning.

Martin Holmboe Basmo

Prosjektleder at Norsk Gjenvinning Norge AS

Oct 28 11:15-11:50

🇳🇴 📦 Digitalisering av vedlikeholdsprosessen hos Norsk Gjenvinning.