Se opp for følgende webinarer av interesse for deg som jobber innen Finance

Posted by Didrik Arstad on 07/09/2023 13:13

May we tempt our finance community with 2 relevant and useful webinars to help you with improving and automating your finance processes. 

The use of Mendix as a development platform in Norsk Hydro to support and automate business processes. 

And come and listen to the Global Process Owner for Record to Report in Norsk Hydro who shares insights on unlocking the potential of your financial close with SAP S/4HANA and BlackLine.

Don't forget to sign up for the User Conference this year. The Finance Program is "coming of age" little by little, so stay tuned.

Contact Didrik if you have questions or comments:

Didrik ArstadDidrik Arstad
Head of Innovation Team Finance & Analytics
SBN - SAP Brukerforening i Norge
+47 90562921


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Tags: blackline, finance, analytics, sap knowledge