Meget vellykket SBN-konferanse! Slides fra presentasjonene er klare!

Posted by Cathrine Kjær on 30/10/2019 13:43

Comments from e-mails and survey:

"Bra konferanse og bedre innhold i år en tidligere."

"Great mix of customer cases and SAP sessions."

"Very nice event - well organized with a friendly atmosphere, constructive meetings."

"Tusen takk for en flott konferanse. Ville bare sende en melding og si takk så mye for en utrolig flott og inspirerende konferanse. Vi tar med oss nye impulser hjem og ikke minst viktige kontakter med andre kunder som er på den samme reisen som oss :) gleder meg allerede til neste år."

"Takk for en veldig vellykket planlegging og gjennomføring av årets SBN konferanse. De tilbakespill jeg har fått fra deltakere er veldig gode, og det er også en oppfatning jeg fullt ut deler."

"Takk for alt det vellykkede arbeidet med å finne frem til alle de temaer og presentatører som var i aksjon gjennom disse to dagene. Det var mye spennende og interessant."

"The tekniske fungerte utmerket og arrangementet ble en skikkelig suksess."

"Good mix of topics, and pleased with more customer experienced themes. But.. I think the comedian should be a part of the evening dinner experience! No success with it on the end of day two.. a lot people missing out.. Maybe SBN can be arranged from lunch one day, till lunch two days later? For people to stay the whole event..?"

"Tiltredes – veldig positive tilbakemeldinger fra våre deltakere også. Veldig bra helhets inntrykk."

"Jeg vil gjerne takke for en flott gjennomført SBN konferanse. Bra organisering og spennende innhold. Jeg gleder meg allerede til neste år."

"Veldig bra arrangement med gode foredrag og en god balanse mellom kunder og partner deltakelse."

"Takk for en fantastisk og veldig lærerikt konferanse!"


Thank you! 

to everyone who contributed and attended this year's SBN Conference!
Thank you to those who took the time to reply to our survey and those who have written to us directly as well. All comments and evaluations are much appreciated and will be used in preparing the SBN Conference 2020.

The survey result is published below.
Approximately 1/3 of the attendees have replied. The numbers are preliminary as the last reminder is still to be sent, but there is usually no big changes based on the third reminder.


The average score is 5,5, which we are very happy about! 

The scannings of all attendees show that:

  • IT had 266 unique participants (including Mix 2).
  • Finance had 148 unique participants.
  • HR had 221 unique participants (including Mix 1).
  • Log had 120 unique participants.
  • Retail had 77 unique participants.

So, if you remember our contest from before the conference, the IT-track is the winner with most participants.


Almost 96% would recommend our conference to others! We are very happy with this number.

Your replies motivates us to put the hard work in and to do our best to outperform last year's conference each year.


Slides from the presentations are now ready!
Find them all here.



Statistics and comments collected by the SBN Team
are put together and published by Cathrine Kjær.

We look forward to see you all next year!


Enjoy the below pictures, more pictures to come the upcoming weeks... we have several hundreds and will publish the best.

SBN Conference 2019
SBN Conference 2019
SBN Conference 2019
SBN Conference 2019
SBN Conference 2019
SBN Conference 2019
SBN Conference 2019
SBN Conference 2019
SBN Conference 2019


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