SBN Energy Day @SopraSteria
March 8th, 09:00-15:30
The program will focus on:
- Status S/4HANA implementations in the industry. Focus on the logistic part of the solution, Transports, Warehousing, EAM, Procurement, PLM etc etc
- Smart Asset and Mobility solutions
- Smart EHS solutions
- Status on the developments made for Remote Logistics (in areas with no network coverage).
- Eventual Sustainability
Bernt Bakken has handed over ideas and contact points for a good program. We hope to make this day as good as it used to be even if our dear Bernt will not attend as he is retired.
SBN Energy Day 2023 @SopraSteria will be held at the top of the leaning tower (Det skjeve tårn) in Jåttåvågen. It was originally a trial structure built to demonstrate that slip forming could be used to build large, inclined structures, such as the Troll A platform.
It is 50 meters high, and it stands at an angle of 16 degrees. The leaning tower can accommodate up to 100 people in its conference auditorium, and the auditorium is surrounded by a spectacular viewing platform circling the whole building.
The leaning tower is located a two-minute walk from the Sopra Steria office in Jåttåvågen, Stavanger.
Noen parkeringer Skråtårnet ellers parker i stadionparken.
Read about the tower here
Pictures from the day
See links for previus years.
- Link to pictures from 2019
- Link to pictures from 2020
- Link to agenda from 2020
- Link to agenda from 2021
- Link to agenda from 2022
Contact me if you have suggestions for the agenda, questions or comments.
Eva-Maria Fahrer
SBN - SAP Brukerforening i Norge
+46 70 569 78 08
Tags: deloitte, lighthouse, onapsis, precisely software, s5 consulting, sap, sap knowledge, sbn - event, sopra steria, supply chain
Welcome and Networking
Keynote: What does the energy transition mean for Norway?
Challenges and opportunities from CEO to offshore workers
SAPs latest Asset Performance Management
A presentation on SAPs latest Asset Performance Management incl. a demo. There is some great new stuff in the latest version to show and present. 😊
Health Environment Safety (EHS)
AkerBP in cooperation with Lighthouse have developed a suite of applications that support the required processes for storing measurement information to locations and tags in the backend system. The application suite is linkied to the actual work that is being done every day. This way AkerBP can have control over the exposure every single person/workgroup has daily. The information feeds back into workorders and planning as well as WEHRA, WEAC and more. Since the application suite is cloud native, they can run on on-prem, cloud or a combination. Even though these applications are technically made on BTP and running Fiori, no prior implementation of these technologies are required. (Presentation held in Norwegian)
[The PDF slides are found on this link if available]
Simen Frivoll-Larsen
Digital transformation advisor and developer at Lighthouse
Kinetic Offshore Logistics (KOL)
Remote Logistics is a critical function for any offshore based industry. In SAP, the RLM solution used to cover this and its discontinuation has left a big void. A pressing need for upstream oil and gas organizations today is to find a viable alternative, whilst transitioning from ECC to S/4HANA. In response, Deloitte and InformatiQ have been working closely over the past few months to create what we have named “Kinetic Offshore Logistics (KOL)”. An integrated and user-friendly solution for offshore logistics which combine the power of SAP with the flexibility of LogistiQ (an InformatiQ tool).
During the presentation you will get to know the rationale behind the solution, what it covers and how it works, along with a demonstration.
2-3 minute presentations of interesting and helpful solutions.
Use the lunch break and the afternoon break to ask questions and discuss opporunities with the presenters.
1) Hear from Onapsis how you can build application security and compliance into your SAP S/4HANA implementation project.
2) Hear from Precisely how to create SAP Process Automation
Can SBN do better?
An interactive session where we seek your ideas for future Energy Days and other SBN knowledge exchange sessions. The session starts with a 2 minute introduction on how SBN operates and then followed by a small interactive exercise.
Go to and use the code 2243 1139
Status S/4HANA journey for SBN members in the Energy industry.
A workshop where all share their S/4HANA project status. It's interesting for all to get an overview of where other operators in Norway are in terms of S/4HANA implementation. For example, whether they have already implemented, are in an early phase, etc, and about which approach and system version they are running, etc. The workshop is lead by Steinar Hansen.
The recording of this session is only available to logged in SBN members/partners. If logged in you will see it on the upper part of this page.
A quick demo of SAP Product Footprint Management
Dietmar will remote show the PFM solution which can calculate product footprints periodically and at scale across the entire product lifecycle.
SAP Product Footprint Management integrates into your SAP S/4HANA Cloud or SAP S/4HANA system and reuses your existing business data to combine it with environmental factors and to calculate the footprints of your products periodically and at scale. The solution includes emission factors management & monthly calculation of all products in the system
Dietmar Steinbichler
Enterprise Architect - Nordic Sustainability Focus Team at SAP Svenska AB
ConocoPhillips status on SAP Field Logistics Implementation
The SAP consortium for Oil & Gas has developed Field Logistics for the public cloud product which will become available for on-prem in beginning of 2023.
The Product status and road map for the Field Logistics on-prem platform is carefully followed by ConocoPhillips as it is very important for the ConocoPhillips implementation strategy and plans for 2024. ConocoPhillips are waiting for the solution to be available. Lorenz will share what is available. He can have got the first glimps of the solution and if we are lucky they have even started their first tests.
Lorenz Oberholzer
Cargo Systems Supervisor at ConocoPhillips Norge
Networking break - Time to discuss, ask questions and share knowledge on the journey to S/4HANA and related things
Mobile Plant Maintenance solution at Aibel
By introducing Blueworx Software on Neptune to SAP PM, Aibel achieved true PM mobility . The mobile Plant Maintenance solution has been in use for a while and supports maintenance and field workers in a good and efficient way... The project started in October 2021 and Blueworx PM is currently used at the yard in Haugesund, Norway. Presented in Norwegian by Aibel and S5 Consulting
Ståle Thorsen
Vedlikeholdsingeniør at Aibel AS
AkerBP - fundamentally changed the way we work
In Aker BP we have fundamentally change the way we work based on the availability and quality of data, supported by technology and standardized processes. This means maximized organizational scalability - increasing quality & stability. We now use collaboration sessions to kick start all design and have seamless dataflow through iterative work processes (DWP). Simulations processes are now possible
[The PDF slides are found on this link if available]
End of Day - Thank you - We send you a survey ... share your ideas for topics, workshop areas and next years events
Dag Håkon Myrdal (SBN Kasserer)
Business Process Manager | Digitalization at SLB OneSubsea Norway
LinkedInNumber of participants: 126
Ståle ThorsenAibel AS
Øyvind FossAibel AS
Ole EliassenSopra Steria
Gunn Odny StokkelandSopra Steria
Stian WindslandS5 Consulting
Ole SyltøyEquinor
Siarhei TsikhanenkaSkybuffer AS
Tor-Arne JensenConocoPhillips Norge
Ole ØksenholtSopra Steria
Eva-Maria FahrerSBN-Adfahrer
Dag Håkon MyrdalAker Solutions
Steinar HansenConocoPhillips
Lorenz OberholzerConocoPhillips
Jonathan DavisCapgemini
Hallgeir MannsåkerCapgemini
Mette Kielland SælandAkerBP
Ragnar RøkkeSAP
Inger Lise HelleAkerBP
Berit RobertsenAkerBP
Trond JansenAibel AS
Dirk KempfSAP
André NilsenAkerBP
Anders RastmanOnapsis
Erik AndresenDeloitte
Ulf Vegard JensenInformatiq
Veronika GulsettDeloitte
Frode SlevelandSAP
Sachin PawarSopraSteria
Gro SundgårdEquinor
Simen Larsen-FrivollLighthouse
Cathrine Weiseth/Young-HalvorsenEquinor ASA
Kjell S.T. AraltEquinor
Anita KråkenesEquinor
Anne HolmeSopra Steria
David NelsonPrecisely
Catherine AdamsSopra Steria
Odd SnähreEquinor
Yi CaiEquinor
Tine Gjøse VermedalEquinor
Helga ReppenEquinor
Rustam AizatulinCapgemini
Svein Inge IdsøEquinor
Christian JønssonEquinor
Kharolin GloriaEquinor
Vinitha CoelhoEquinor
Kirsti LarsenEquinor
Erlend KippeSopra Steria
Arne Johan LarsenEquinor
Oddleif RotmoSopra Steria
Kent Åge HegstadAkerBP
Bernt EvensenConocoPhillips Norge
Anne Margrethe JohannessenEquinor
Thoralf AndreassenVår Energi
Andreas BaugeLighthouse
Einar Magne HellandVår Energi
Nicolay OstbergVår Energi
Jimmy DinhSopra Steria
Øystein LarsenSopra Steria
Dan RasmussenConocophillips
Njål OmlandAker Solutions AS
Anders Langøyinformatiq
Didrik ArstadSBN - Adfahrer
Ine FlateraakerSopraSteria
mads Bjelke-AndersenVår Energi
Charlotte GaltaVår Energi ASA
Helge EikCapgemini
Bjarte FinnestadEquinor
Dag Sigurd Larsen EckholdtCapgemini
Jon-Arne HansenVår Energi
Magne LimaCapgemini
Terje KristiansenVår Energi
Astrid FossgårdVår Energi ASA
Guro Ravnestad LøklingVår Energi
Arne Kjetil NilsenWintershall DEA Norge AS
Elena SinevaCapgemini
Espen RydbergWintershall DEA Norge AS
Dag Håkon Myrdal (SBN Kasserer)Aker Solutions AS
Sonja Opofte-SyverstenVår Energi
AMIT JHADeloitte
Rolf Erik SvarstadSopra Steria AS
Hanne LarsenSopra Steria
Tine DalakerAkerBP
Yrjan ReimeSopra Steria
Tor AndaVår Energi
Konstantin TarasevicSopra Steria
Chris ScearsCapgemini
Frenk HaakLighthouse
Ingrid Marie GaarderEquinor
Dag Rune LorentzenCognizant
Andrey KovalenkoSAP Norge
Svend VihovdeEquinor
Iryna ChvarkovaSkybuffer AS
Sukhvir PanesarConocoPhillips Norge
Bjørn Kåre AmdalSopra Steria
Siri LivastølVår Energi
Christian BrandtzægEquinor
Per HelgesplassNTT DATA Business Solutions
Hadi ShalmashiDeloitte
Ilya AmosovDeloitte
Asbjørn WinnjeHydro
Tolv TvinnereimCapgemini
Dan Ove VikseAibel AS
Roald EllingsenEquinor ASA
Sankar RajendranEquinor ASA
Amrita SinhaAccenture
Dean FittEquinor
Tore BjellandSopra Steria
Sindre SteinslandEquinor
Atif BhattiConocoPhillips Norge
Joakim LövesSBN-Adfahrer
Birgit RamsøyBouvet
Dietmar SteinbichlerSAP
Synnøve SkartveitEquinor
Kristian HaarrConocoPhillips Norge
Svein Helge HøydalStatkraft AS
Kristoffer StrandSopra Steria
Geir AakreEquinor
Hans KollsgårdVår Energi
Thor Magnar PaulsenStatkraft Energi AS
Henning Landsnes BirkelandEquinor
Kristian HaarrConocoPhillips Norge
Jens Christian ToftEquinor
Magn Stian KvieEquinor
Guillaume Fagernes-TurpinEquinor