We share some Pictures from SBN Energy Day @AkerBP
Posted by Eva-Maria Fahrer on 07/03/2024 13:08
More than 100 people joined in to share knowledge around solutions for the Energy Industry.
AkerBP made it possible to join in person which 60 people did.
We had a very useful exchange of knowledge and networking both Face2Face but also in workshop format with our remote participants. Link to the agenda See pictures
Et velkommen med Hveteboller og Kaffe
Et flagg med Kreftforeningens Vipps-nummer 2277 i vart bolle 😊
Aker BPs journey
A sharing session of highlights, challenges and a short glance in the future and SAP notification Handler app, Hilde Reve, Kristoffer Lanne and Kristian Førland Steinsland (talking)
Vår Energi Status
Status from the project Thoralf Andreassen with Peter Jacobsen
Equinors experience and plans for SAP APM
Asset Health and Asset Strategy, Tom Nåstad Svennevig and Rune Waage
Energy Sector Status Workshop
Lead by Steinar Hansen, joined by Jorunn J Dalene, Azim Fiaz and Trond Jansen and remote: Njål Omland and Asbjørn Winnje
Njål Omland remote
Asbjørn Winnje remote
Questions and Discussions
Questions and Discussions
Questions and Discussions
Questions and Discussions
Workshop team supplemented by AkerBP and Vår Energi
SAP Capital Project Engineering Management (CaPEM)
Consolidating the engineering definition from multiple sources including BIM Design Tools, Simulation Tools and GIS, with Lars Fossum
Supply Chain UI on top of S/4HANA or ECC
Wide-reaching automation, greater speed and full transparency across business processes are standard with xSuite, with Bo Bærentsen
SAP Shutdown Turnaround and Outages for Energy and Natural Resources Industries
End-to-end STO processes, scope management, non-integrated planning, long lead items tracking, safety, scheduling, effective real-time reporting, control of costs, risks, procurement challenges, and user-friendliness, with Hisham Gouda in Dubai
Discussion on Status Field Logistics
Lorenz Oberholzer and remote Diana Temirbulatova and Nedyalka Tzarevska
Picture from prep 7:30 in the morning
Joakim Löves, preparing remote participants, streaming and recording of the day.
PDFs of presentations, Recordings and Survey results and comments will be published as well.
It was fantastic to see you all and the day was more than awesome!
I will get back with link to PDFs of presentations, Recordings and Survey results and comments when they are ready.
See you Eva-Maria
Link to blog, creation of the event