SBN Finance Day
May 26th, 09:00-15:30
At SBN Finance function day, the program is highly interesting for people interested in Finance functions supported by SAP systems and third party solutions. The new solutions from SAP make it possible analysing data across the business and handle unexpected changes to financial forecasts as well as aligning strategic, financial, and operational plans
Keep up with the pace of change and adapt quickly too changes in the business environment by joining in and listening to experience from other companies also using the SAP solutions. Register now!
Contact Didrik if you have suggestions for the agenda, questions or comments.
Didrik Arstad
Head of Innovation Team Finance
SBN - SAP Brukerforening i Norge
+47 90562921
• Link to pictures from 2019
• Link to agenda from 2019
• Link to agenda from 2020
PS: Registration is free if your company has a membership in SBN. The most common purchased annual fee is 25.600NOK which is equal to approximately 2.400Euro. For this relativly small annual amount you and 3 more of your colleagues can register for free to all SBN events (excluding the conference) during 12 months. The only thing you need is a personal SBN account which is connected to the company which owns the membership. With this personal account you can log in and register for free to all SBN events.
Tags: accenture, deloitte, finance, analytics, ntt data business solutions, sap, sap knowledge, xsuite
Welcome and introduction to the Day and the Program
Recording: [slides]
Project One - one global future proof-of-standard ERP based on S/4 Hana for Wintershall DA
This is the backdrop for Wintershall DA and their SAP S/4Hana project=> Our mission is to become one team and one company by working across functions and countries through one harmonized integrated ERP system. We want to be at the pulse of technology and improve continuous!y.
Listen to their story so far and learn more from them about the following agenda:
- Vision
- Backdrop - pain points
- Business case - value mapping and especially seen from Finance
- Project, roadmap, Gantt
- Greenfield - why as compared to other deployment options
- Business processes - standard or out-of-the box based on SAP best practice and modifications
- Finance topics
Recording: [slides]
Inngående fakturaprosessen eller I2P(Invoice-2-Pay) - har du fortsatt en manuell fakturaprosess i din økonomiavdeling?
Lær hvordan din bedrift kan fuldautomatisere behandlingen af indgående fakturaer. NTT Data Business Solutions (tidligere Itelligence) it.capture service anvender AI til at skabe en fuldstændig automatiseret fakturaprosess. Dermed er der ikke længere behov for manuelle indtastninger. Flere virksomheder har allerede skiftet til denne nye model. Hør blandt andet hvordan Bang & Olufsen har været igennem deres automatiseringsrejse, og i hvordan de i dag får automatiseret indkommende fakturaer via it.capture service.
- Udfordringen ved manuelle processer
- Løsningen
- fuld automatisering
- hvordan vi anvender AI til at sikre kvalitet
- Bang & Olufsen:
- Automatiseringsrejse for fakturahåndtering
- Fra manuelt – til semiautomatisering – til fuldautomatiseret
Recording: [slides]
Measure and Maintain Optimum Profitability in uncertain times– with Margin Analysis
It is intriguing to see how dramatically things have changed lately around us, given the exceptional conditions we are living in. The global pandemic has impacted the way we work, live and operate our businesses. Companies must devise plans, if not done already, to ensure a robust top and bottom line and look for ways to improve revenue and reduce costs or both to maintain the same level of profitability as before. The endeavour must be enabled and supported by a robust, modern, cutting edge, real time profitability reporting solutions powered by SAP S/4HANA.
- Introduction to the topic and Speaker
- Business impact of Margin Analysis
- The 5 steps to successful margin analysis implementation
- Way forward.
- Q/A
Break for Lunch
Recording: [slides]
Continuous Group-Wide Effective Steering with SAP’s Modern Platform
The area of Finance & Risk is changing. Within many industries Business Models are changing towards Outcome-Based Business Models, where products are moving to services, outreach to customers are going direct etc.. New Business Models must be Financially Viable.
One area that is crucial is to be in control of the profitability and having actionable customer and product profitability insights is very important. Also to have consistent strategic, tactical and operational planning in place.
This presentation is about how you and your business can meet the requirements of today and tomorrow in providing effective steering of your business or your enterprise in a changing world with the newest technology from SAP.
Recording: [slides]
Intelligent Enterprise Planning: Business value and how to unlock it using SAP Analytics Cloud
SAP is committed to delivering innovative applications in the Cloud. Consistent with this, SAP strategic direction for planning follows on and aligns with the broader Analytics strategy.
The majority of new enhancements for planning will be delivered via SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC), including enhanced value for BPC via hybrid planning and analysis scenarios.
In this session, Erik will talk about the importance of Intelligent Enterprise Planning, while Mads and Søren will show the different options and provide the Accenture Point of View on how to transition into S/4HANA Planning in SAC.
Recording: [slides]
Get insights from the Louis Poulsen digital journey and learn how they have fully digitalized their in- and outbound processes to benefit business.
Founded in 1874, Louis Poulsen is a Danish lighting manufacturer born out of the Scandinavian design tradition where form follows function.
Learn what, why and how this global vendor of designer lamps has achieved business benefits by successfully implementing digitalized solutions for their Inbound and outbound businessprocesses by implementing One Document Hub from xSuite.
In this project, Louis Poulsen also achieved business transparency due to the digitalization of their inbound and outbound processes, automating invoice management and linking it all together in a
digital archive.
The presentation will include demos of selected parts of the solution.
The agenda will include:
- Dataformatting
- Automation
- Digital dialogue
Recording: [slides]
Financial transformation for the tax function leveraging SAP S/4HANA
We will look into key considerations to be taken for tax when moving into S/4. We will share our experience on how SAPs Global Tax Management suite can support your transformation and readiness for an everchanging and challenging world with increasing eReporting and eAudit requirements. The new VAT reporting requirements in Norway from 1 January 2022 is a good example of how these changes are impacting business processes.
Recording: [slides01] [slides02]
Localization: SAF-T, Digital VAT-report in 2022, Peppol, p27 and B2G
This will be a joint session between SAP and TJC Group covering issues and topics like:
- Status and roadmap of what SAP will deliver as standard with regard to SAF-T requirements including the new digital VAT-report based on SAF-T and what additional requirements towards B-2-G (Business -2- Government) in casu the digitalization of tax compliance in other countries around the world will benefit from solutions and services from the TJC Group.
- A short status and development related to Peppol and SAP Document Compliance
- P27 Nordic Payments or the new integrated payment platform that will replace Telepay in certain cases and the move to ISO 20022 Sepa - implications for SAP users
Wrap Up and End
Number of participants: 91
Arild Neeraas OlsenEquinor
Anita LangseterBouvet
Per Helgesplassitelligence
Dag Fischer NielsenCoop Norge SA
Freddy HafskjoldStatkraft AS
Magnus OllforsStatkraft AS
Catherine AdamsSopra Steria
Betzy Hensema AndersenOrkla IT AS
Randi KlevenStatkraft AS
Svanhild DidriksenConocoPhillips Norge
Roland zum BuschBouvet
Bernt BakkenSBN-Adfahrer
Thor Øyvind Nilsen (SBN Kasserer)Equinor
Anders EriksenStatkraft AS
Holger LämmelNorsk Hydro AS
Anete OzolaPearl
Eirik Jan KrokenMatiq AS
Sigrid Røed LandgraffMatiq AS
Trond LindløkkenElkjøp Nordic
Almir CurtNorgesGruppen ASA
Nils Erik KrosvikOrkla
Hans Gunnar FrøystadWintershallDea Norge
Arve OuffWintershall Dea Norge AS
Elisabeth TorgetNortura
Jens WiechmannNippon Gases Norge AS
Roland zum BuschBouvet
Inger Helen BøhmerNorgesGruppen ASA
Louise Leisemei PaustianxSuite
Håvard HammerCoop Norge SA
Astrid Thommesen SæbøSAP Norge AS
Steinar EllingsenEquinor
Erik AndresenDeloitte
Gudbjørg ArnadottirSAP Norge AS
Geir KronkvistAkselera
Ann Iren TorgetNorgesGruppen ASA
Jorunn Kathrine UtslottøyAker Solutions ASA
Cecilie RellingAker Solutions AS
Anniken RøssingAker Solutions AS
Balaji Yadav KeelukoppuBouvet
Laura ParriTJC Group
Steve PeirceTJC Group
Ilya AmosovS5 Consulting
Bente ReizerWintershall Dea Norge AS
Nickolaj Almskou HollerBang & Olufsen
Azim FiazWintershall Dea
Jonas Winther KvistNTT Data Business Solutions AS
Einar MidtunWintershall Dea
Marianne Eggers HøieGassco
Martin BrownswordSBN-Adfahrer
Eva-Maria FahrerSBN-Adfahrer
Graham LittleTJC Group
Sveinar UrstadEquinor
Anders SteenDeloitte AS
Mads CiftAccenture Danmark
Bo Thornholm BærentsenxSuite
Erik SandsbraatenAccenture
Lars FleminggardSAP SVENSKA AB
Anubhav GargDeloitte AB
Per EversDeloitte AS
Kurt Spangsbjerg PetersenLouis Poulsen
Søren KjeldsenAccenture Danmark
Jon Henry Askevold RosselandDeloitte AS
Erik TørnqvistSAP Svenska AB
Andreas SturessonDeloitte AB
Patchanok KluabkaewTJC Group
Leif Christian FlørenæsAker BP
Jørgen LindebergOrkla IT AS
Bjørn SetterbergBorregaard AS
Jose EximenoTakeda AS
Vegard SøbergAccenture
Magnus SønstebyAkselera
Helge NesetMHWirth AS
Janne Kristin MoeConocoPhillips Norge
Terje SkjesolNorske Skog AS
Tone SæbøConocoPhillips Norge
Bente EisoldABB AS
Sigmund FrøilandGassco
Jovita J.MHWirth AS
Arne Johan LarsenEquinor
Svein Roar JohnsenVinmonopolet
Ingjerd AamodtSAP Norge AS
Bård StrandeNorgesGruppen ASA
Priyanka DasTJC Group
Frode SlevelandSopra Steria
Simran GaikwadTJC Group
Per Erlend MathisenAccenture
Pranav LahadeTJC Group
Britt Randi AmundsenPearl
Katrine HobbelstadBorregaard AS