SBN Special Interest Group (SIG) for SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC)
Date: March 23rd, 09:00-15:30
Location: The auditorium at Norsk Hydro's premises on Vækerø in Oslo - Or remote.
The purpose of the Special Interest Group or SIG for SAC is to acquire and share knowledge in implementing, use and leveraging SAP Analytics Cloud for customers of SAP.
Primus Motor for the group is Sveinar Urstad, Principal Analyst F&C Business Architecture & Processes, FC FAS DAP in Equinor.
The Group is open for everyone with an interest in SAC or for SAC, no condition that you are a user of SAC in your own organization.
Purpose of the group is to get even closer to what our community is doing, thinking and considering in the area of Analytics and especially SAC.
To create a network of practitioners of users, subject matter experts and business experts of SAC is also part of the mandate.
The SIG for SAC will in addition to SAC as a products also focus on SAP Analytics Strategy, Embedded Analytics and Self Service Reporting, we will learn about Planning i SAC, about Augmented Analytics and how SAP Data Warehouse Cloud may affect the area of reporting and analytics in the future and also about SAC in relation to BW and BW/4Hana. We will encourage openess about how to succeed with implementation and organization of SAC and the many challenges companies are facing stuck in the Excel- and PowerBI-world.
We are on a roller coaster of change especially in Analytics and to keep up with the pace of change and adapt quickly to changes in technology and the business environment, we recommend you to join the Special Interest Group for SAC.
Register now!
Contact Didrik if you have questions or suggestions.
Didrik Arstad
Head of Innovation Team Finance & Analytics
SBN - SAP Brukerforening i Norge
+47 90562921
Pictures from the Day
Evaluation 6,21 (1-7).
Recordings and PDF files see agenda below.
The auditorium at Norsk Hydro's premises on Vækerø in Oslo.
Tags: finance, analytics, sap, sap knowledge, supply chain
Coffee and networking
Scaling SAC through url-parametrization in our steering tool.
Self Service Analytics og MIS – case Equinor. (English)
Equinor has developed together with SAP a integrated risk-, compliance and performance tool which now also is used to efficiently scale SAC stories and apps across the organization. We have lately seen an increased SAC adoption and believe we are about to unlock the potential of both guided and self-service analytics, scaling both sophisticated Application Designer Apps, and super-user-created Stories from the operational aspects and details to the top management. We will explain how this is technically done and the result of the implementation so far.
Innføring av SAC i en stor organisasjon. (Norwegian)
Hvordan lykkes med innfasing og innføring av SAC for analyse og planlegging i en stor organisasjon sterkt Excel-orientert – erfaringer og utfordringer i implementering og innføring av SAC i hhv. Statkraft og Norsk Hydro – innspill til diskusjon.
Lunch and networking
Create business value with a Unified Data and Analytics Platform leveraging SAP Data Warehouse Cloud.
SDWC – Strategic Perspective. (English)
Learn about how to bring more business value to your data by moving from your existing Warehousing solutions to an integrated Data Plane architecture, leveraging the latest SAP innovations in Data Warehousing.
- The Challenge: Data and Analytics
- Data Management trend Challenges
- SAP Data Warehouse and Analytics Strategy
- SAP Data Warehouse Cloud : Key Capabilities and value proposition
- SAP Data Warehouse Cloud : the BW Bridge feature
- Conclusion
Florian Hamon
Business Development Manager SAP Platform&Technologies, SAP Center of Excellence, SDWC at SAP SE
Visualization and dashboards – is there a best practice? (Norwegian)
Visualisering av data er en utfordring. Dashboards skal være presise, forståelige, dekke et behov og engasjere. Hva kan vi lære av metoder som benyttes for brukeropplevelse for å oppnå dette?
Simen Frivoll-Larsen
Digital transformation advisor and developer at Lighthouse
CFO og Controller-rollen i støpeskjeen med nye verktøy. Hva gjør vi? (Norwegian)
Med helt nye muligheter for tilgang til real-time data endres også kravet til brukerne. Hvordan endres rollen og kravspesifikasjonen til rollen for dagens/fremtidens controller eller CFO. Her må det skje en endring i tankesett, kultur og kunnskap om styringsmodellen, master data, organisasjonsstruktur, prosesser og ikke minst hva mulighetene i teknologien innebærer. Men hvordan får vi også forretningen/linjeorganisasjonen til å ta eierskap til nye måter å konsumere data på. Hvordan får vi til en slik endring?
Erik Sandsbraaten
Managing Director - Strategy & Consulting, CFO & Enterprise Value Lead Norway at Accenture
LinkedInNumber of participants: 63
Thomas VogtABB AS
Rune NilsenStatkraft AS
Mudiaga Innocent OkeCapgemini
Eva-Maria FahrerSBN-Adfahrer
Gunn LøvhaugenNorsk Hydro AS
Holger LämmelHydro Aluminium AS
Eivind MartinsenBouvet
Didrik ArstadSBN-Adfahrer
Stein Rynning MoshuusAibel AS
Joakim LövesAdfahrer AB
Tilde BrunnbergEquinor
Simen Larsen-FrivollLighthouse
Erik SandsbraatenAccenture
Freddy HafskjoldStatkraft AS
Laila TrætliHelse Midt-Norge
Morten EspelidNTT DATA Business Solutions
Mari SakkestadConocoPhillips Norge
stian kvanliEkornes ASA
Terje VeblungsnesEkornes ASA
Mona GrantConocoPhillips Norge
Solveig SannesLighthouse
Lars MelanderOrkla IT
Kristian BrathovdeCoop Norge SA
Inger Marie SolbrekkeStatkraft
Kevin Minh NguyenCoop Norge SA
Per WelinSAP
Catherine AdamsSopra Steria
Telmo PereiraSopra Steria
Prabhakar GadeCapgemini
Bjorn VilhjalmssonDeloitte
Sveinar UrstadEquinor
Silje Jondahl BonnezEquinor
Balaji Yadav KeelukoppuBouvet
Roy EidsetStatkraft AS
Mette EnoksenEquinor
Jorunn FjoneEquinor
Martin KysethEquinor
Florian HamonSAP AG
Øyvind ReinsbergNets Branch Norway AS
Bernt BakkenSBN-Adfahrer
Steinar EllingsenEquinor
Sigmund FrøilandGassco
Tor ErvlandEkornes ASA
Marianne Eggers HøieGassco
Svanhild DidriksenConocoPhillips Norge
Astrid FossgårdVår Energi
Anne TryggesetEquinor
Anna YatsevychVår Energi
Trond FjelldalEquinor
Irene ÅreskjoldEquinor
Lisbeth StenersenTechnipFMC
Arve SandangerAkerBP
Sonja Opofte-SyverstenVår Energi
Ranjan ThakurCapgemini
Christian MongEquinor
Per Christian NæssCOOP Norge Regnskap
Thomas Homme PettersenHelse Vest
Chandra Shekhar SinghAccenture
Terje SørlieAccenture
Christer UthusAccenture
Kent E. WangsvikHelse Vest