SBN Analytics Function Day
June 15th, 09:00-15:30
Knowledge exchange on the SAP Analytic Cloud and other Analytic tools. New functionality is sugmented and predictive analytics features - How do they work and for what can they be used will be explained. The possibility is to put AI-powered analytics and augmented analytics capabilities in the hands of every business user with no data science training required will change the daily life in the companies using these tools. / Erfaringer av bruk og smarte ting i SAP Analytics Cloud og andre Analyst verktøy i SAP og litt hvordan komme i gang.
Join this day to learn more and share experience in the area of about the SAP Analytic Cloud. Register now!
Contact Didrik if you have suggestions for the agenda, questions or comments.
Didrik Arstad
Head of Innovation Team Finance
SBN - SAP Brukerforening i Norge
+47 90562921
• Link to pictures from 2019
• Link to agenda from 2019
• Link to agenda from 2020
PS: Registration is free if your company has a membership in SBN. The most common purchased annual fee is 25.600NOK which is equal to approximately 2.400Euro. For this relativly small annual amount you and 3 more of your colleagues can register for free to all SBN events (excluding the conference) during 12 months. The only thing you need is a personal SBN account which is connected to the company which owns the membership. With this personal account you can log in and register for free to all SBN events.
Tags: deloitte, ey skye, finance, analytics, sap, sap knowledge, westernacher
Recording: [slides]
Unleash Data-Driven Business towards real-time decision making and enable power business users to do self-service modelling
Enable intuitive, high-performance self-service analytics and modeling in a controlled environment to get insightful analytics that are simple to set up, use, and share.
Get new decision information available very much quicker by enabling
- Power Business users to do advanced self-service modelling
- Business users to do basic self-service modelling
- IT to govern data at the speed of the business
Examples from customers:
Customer 1: 95 % shorter lead time – from 2 month to 2 days
Customer 2: From days to hours
Recording: [slides]
Embedded Analytics done Low-Code
Fra CDS til visualisering av data - I dette innlegget skal vi gå gjennom hvordan man enkelt og intuitivt kan bruke Embedded Analytics til å bygge CDS views, queries og rapporter uten å skrive en eneste kode. Ved hjelp av disse verktøyene vil det med andre ord være mulig for flere i organisasjonen å både tilgjengeliggjøre og visualisere data på tvers av flere database-tabeller.
- Arkitektur
- Skjermbilder CDS views (Eclipse)
- Custom CDS
- Custom Analytical Queries
- Genererte CDS views Eclipse
- KPI tiles/Rapporter
- Koble opp til SAC og Analysis for Office
Recording: [slides]
Equinor’s journey with SAP Analytics Cloud for Treasury Analytics
In this session we are going to share our experiences with implementing real-time reporting and analytics for the Treasury area in Equinor. The reports, which have been developed on SAP Analytics Cloud are running directly on our S4/HANA system using standard pre-defined CDS views for Treasury & Risk Management, delivered by SAP. Business have developed own dashboards using SAP Analytics Cloud as a self-service analytics tool.
- Introduction to the Treasury & Tax area in Equinor (Sverre)
- SAP Analytics Cloud, overall architecture and current implementation status in Equinor (Sveinar)
- Short demo of Treasury & Payments analytical dashboard (Johan)
- Experiences and lessons learned so far, future plans/roadmap (Johan/Sveinar)
Break for Lunch
Recording: [slides]
Equinors journey piloting Planning in SAP Analytics Cloud
In this session Equinor will be sharing their experience with planning in SAP Analytics Cloud so far, both using BPC embedded planning and SAC native planning.
Vi kjører foreløpig en pilot på «(BPC) Embedded planning» i SAC, dette er altså i praksis at vi har flyttet vår SAP IP (Integrated Planner) løsning inn i en SAP Analytics Cloud kontekst. Dette er jo kanskje ikke revolusjonerende teknologisk skritt med byr på oppsider vi finner attraktive:
- Vi beriker et veletablert og suksessfullt konsept med haugevis med funksjonalitet i SAP som visuelle elementer, filter, navigasjonsdynamikk etc…
- Piloten «bypasser» faktisk F&C, vi gjør et nytt fremstøt direkte mot operasjonell ledelse og ser for oss å lage så brukervennlige applikasjoner at de enkelt kan legge inn sine prognoser der selv. (NB! Vi driver jo med en form for bottom-up, operasjonell planlegging, tett integrert mot actuals).
- Context - Advanced Planning and Prediction (APP) project in Equinor
- Experience with SAC native planning
- Experience with SAC BPC embedded planning incl. demo
- Lessons learned, key take aways
Recording: [slides]
Financial Planning in SAP Analytics Cloud with Westernacher
Westernacher experts Mark Mrosek and Dr. Russell Sadd will discuss how to transform your financial planning with SAP Analytics Cloud.
Join our session to learn how this modern, user-friendly interface takes financial planning to the next level with a simplicity that nonetheless gives you all of the functionality you need, along with predictive analytics and real-time data acquisition. They will also share some valuable lessons learned from the project at Mitsubishi Power Europe.
- Overview of sales forecasting with SAC
- Headcount and personal cost planning with SAC
- Insights from our project at Mitsubishi Power Europe
- Q&As
Key takeaways:
- See how you can transform your financial planning with SAC
- Learn how to get the most from SAC’s planning tools
- Discover what predictive analytics and real-time data acquisition bring
- Prepare for a jumpstart with Westernacher’s Time-to-Value solutions
Recording: [slides]
SAP Planning Roadmap and demo of SAC Planning scenarios
During the session we will briefly introduce SAP Planning Roadmap and available options. We will also demonstrate how the new flexible features and appealing visual interface in SAC planning can be used to create an agile forecasting process supporting different planning scenarios.
Recording: [slides]
Get the Best of SAP Analytics Cloud and SAP Data Warehouse Cloud This session will be a basic deep dive and demo of SAP Data Warehouse Cloud (SDWC) in collaboration with Sap Analytics Cloud (SAC) covering the following:
- Product cababilities of SDWC
- Product strategy of SDWC
- Roadmap
- End-2-End demo of SDWC with SAC
Amogh Kulkarni
Product Management, SAP Data Warehouse Cloud at SAP at SAP SE
Wrap Up and End
Number of participants: 89
Didrik ArstadSBN-Adfahrer
Ajay KumarDeloitte
Rajeswari MisraDeloitte
Catherine AdamsSopra Steria
Holger LämmelNorsk Hydro AS
Thor Øyvind Nilsen (SBN Kasserer)Equinor
Nikolai SandvedPearl
Balaji Yadav KeelukoppuBouvet
Balaji Yadav KeelukoppuBouvet
Sveinar UrstadEquinor
Ashish GargStatkraft AS
Eivind MartinsenBouvet
Janne Kristin MoeConocoPhillips Norge
Steinar EllingsenEquinor ASA
Lars FleminggardSAP SVENSKA AB
Arman MuzaffarEY Skye
Sveinar UrstadEquinor ASA
Mark MrosekWesternacher
Johan SchelstraeteEquinor ASA
Solveig Kvassheim SannesEY Skye
Sverre Serck-HanssenEquinor ASA
Chris MeisnerDeloitte Danmark
Russel SaddWesternacher
Inge LøvåsenStatkraft AS
Inger Marie SolbrekkeStatkraft AS
Karl Olav GravdalAker Solutions AS
Leif Christian FlørenæsAkerBP
Kristoffer LanneAkerBP
Øystein FuglestadMatiq AS
Astrid Thommesen SæbøSAP Norge AS
Dag Fischer NielsenCoop Norge SA
Britt Randi FjelltunPearl
William GilbuMaske AS
Torgar RistStatkraft AS
Jan-Willem HoekstraDeloitte
Ida Merete SkråstadMaske AS
Jonny JohansenNortura
Marita GrøstadForsvaret
Trude SætreAkerBP
Bjørn Kåre AmdalSopra Steria
Ansgar KristiansenBouvet
Sandra JonssonWesternacher
helge ØvstedalMatiq AS
Roy EidsetStatkraft AS
Jack ReynoldsEquinor
Øyvind ReinsbergNets Branch Norway AS
Håvard HammerCoop Norge SA
Kathrine OlsenForsvaret
Erlend NygårdOrkla IT AS
Jovita JasiukaityteMHWirth AS
Amogh KulkarniSAP SE
Arve SandangerAkerBP
Ronny OlaisenStatkraft AS
Britt Randi FjelltunPearl
Ingrid StrømlandAkerBP
Bertrand LefevreDeloitte
Thomas van GossumDeloitte
Jorunn FjoneEquinor
Tor MonsenVår Energi
Liss BjorlandAkerBP
Arvind KumarBouvet
Jon Anders LundhStatkraft AS
Egil Magne HansenGassco
Naomy NainggolanBouvet
Caroline BjanesoyStatkraft
Madhur AhujaStatkraft AS
Martin BrownswordSBN-Adfahrer
Pål Buer AbrahamsenEquinor
Hallvard Bokn EikelandEquinor
Hans Petter SkjølåsEquinor
Serene TanEquinor
Eva-Maria FahrerSBN-Adfahrer
Varvara BelousovaEquinor ASA
Jan Erik SævareidEquinor
Eivind MikkelsenStatkraft ASA
Ellen De CoenEquinor
Jon Georg SundvollEquinor
Hans WyndaeleEquinor
Steven VerstrepenEquinor
Dries De SmedtEquinor
Filip GeeraerdEquinor
Lars Erik SmidtStatkraft AS
Karl Erik NordengenForsvaret
May HolstadEquinor
Roland zum BuschBouvet
Aby MathewAkerBP
Freddy HafskjoldStatkraft AS