SBN Special Interest Group (SIG) for SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC)
Date: March 30, 09:00-13:30
Location: Virtual event
The purpose of the Special Interest Group or SIG for SAC is to acquire and share knowledge in implementing, use and leveraging SAP Analytics Cloud for customers of SAP.
The Group is open for everyone with an interest in SAC or for SAC, no condition that you are a user of SAC in your own organization.
Purpose of the group is to get even closer to what our community is doing, thinking and considering in the area of Analytics and especially SAC.
To create a network of practitioners of users, subject matter experts and business experts of SAC is also part of the mandate.
The SIG for SAC will in addition to SAC as a products also focus on SAP Analytics Strategy, Embedded Analytics and Self Service Reporting, we will learn about Planning i SAC, about Augmented Analytics and how SAP Data Warehouse Cloud may affect the area of reporting and analytics in the future and also about SAC in relation to BW and BW/4Hana. We will encourage openess about how to succeed with implementation and organization of SAC and the many challenges companies are facing stuck in the Excel- and PowerBI-world.
We are on a roller coaster of change especially in Analytics and to keep up with the pace of change and adapt quickly to changes in technology and the business environment, we recommend you to join the Special Interest Group for SAC.
Register now!
Contact Didrik if you have questions or suggestions.
Didrik Arstad
Head of Innovation Team Finance & Analytics
SBN - SAP Brukerforening i Norge
+47 90562921
- Link to pictures from 2019
- Link to agenda from 2020
- Link to agenda from 2021
- Link to agenda from 2022
- Link to pictures from 2022
Tags: finance, analytics, sap, sap knowledge, supply chain
Web session open - We look forward to seeing you !
SAC in Equinor
- Status implementation
- Scaling
- Roadmap
[The PDF slides are found on this link if available]
SAC in Aibel
- SAC as frontend to BW4HANA
- A candid view on their journey and challenges as well as collaboration with SAP to make it work
Stein Rynning Moshuus
BI & Improvement Manager, ERP/IT at Aibel AS
SAC in AkerBP
- Current use
- Future use
- Challenges and priorities
Arve Sandanger
Controlling and Performance at AkerBP
Break for lunch
Adoption of SAC in Norsk Hydro
- Challenges and current initiatives to significantly increase Usage of SAC
- Discussion and exchange of similar challenges/initaitives among the participants.
[The PDF slides are found on this link if available]
SAP Datasphere
- SAP Datashere
- The next generation of SAP Data Warehouse Cloud with SAP's latest innovation. Evolving towards a business data fabric. What is it?
- What might be the implications for customers and community irrespective of their current landscape or whether they are on BW4HANA and/or using SAC
Number of participants: 52
Per-Åge ThemtePearl
Elena IsaksenAibel AS
Trude SætreAkerBP
Ann-Cecilie NilsenBorregaard AS
Marthe Søyland RuudBorregaard AS
Simon SimonsenBorregaard
Lars OlsenBorregaard AS
Martin KysethEquinor
Lise HaugenEquinor
Anders KristensenEquinor
Bjørn Olav KåsinSAP
Arve SandangerAkerBP
Holger LämmelHydro
Eivind MikkelsenStatkraft AS
Zoran MilijicCoop Norge SA
Eva-Maria FahrerSBN-Adfahrer
Trond JansenAibel AS
Rune NilsenStatkraft AS
Thomas Homme PettersenHelse Vest
Shvarand Luxman RajasingamSopra Steria
Didrik ArstadSBN-Adfahrer
Aamir ShehzadAccenture
Thomas VogtABB AS
Jon Georg SundvollEquinor
Silje Jondahl BonnezEquinor
Suraj JaiswalOrkla IT AS
Harald LøbersliHelse Vest
Lise LeknesundHelse Vest
Benjamin AfzalSopra Steria
Stein Rynning MoshuusAibel AS
Bjørn Kåre AmdalSopra Steria
Telmo PereiraSopra Steria
Daniel Olguin JidebomS5 Consulting
Jørgen AasenHemit HF
Dharmesh ShahAccenture
Steinar EllingsenEquinor
Veronika MidtgårdAibel AS
Anne TryggesetEquinor
Sveinar UrstadEquinor
Shahzad GulOrkla IT AS
Selvi RaveendranathanSAP
Azim FiazWintershall DEA Norge AS
Sai Vivek Anand BudhavarapuBorregaard AS
Christian MongEquinor
Astri Botten LarsenStatkraft AS
Kristin TilsetStatkraft AS
Eivind BøeHelse Vest
Karl Olav GravdalAker Solutions AS
Deepak RangabylappaCapgemini
Trond JansenAibel AS